Watering The Barren Land
It all started with procrastinating. I had a marketing copy to write and I just didn't feel like doing it.
So, to avoid working, I began poking around the Internet and I came across this website. It looked kind of interesting (as all things do when you're running away from your responsibilities), and so I clicked on it. At first, I wasn't really sure what I was looking at.
It just seemed like a bunch of random thoughts and musings. But, the more I read, the more I realized that this was precisely what I needed — a place to just ramble on and on about whatever was on my mind.
And so, that's how this blog started.
It was a way for me to run away from my everyday tasks. But, it's also become a place for me to share my thoughts with the world. Now, how important that'll turn out to be — I don't know. Probably not too much. But, that's not the point.
It is funny how sometimes it actually does make sense to invest time in seemingly useless activities. Writing this blog helped me engage my creative grey matter into making sense of not working and here I am — adding yet another thing to my already crammed plate.
Now, my luck was that I only told a few people about it. My partner and an old friend. I chose these two very carefully.
Why so?
Well, I chose my partner because it's her duty to accept and pretend she understands that whatever I decide to do must be done. At least I like to believe so. (I also didn't want her to interrogate me for hours when the hype about the blog reaches her, you know).
And an old friend who is now the editor.
I guess the point is...
Well, I'm not so sure anymore, but I guess I've procrastinated enough for now.